Happy Times & Fresh Starts

It’s been awhile since I’ve made time to blog, which I blame on two reasons:


No, a different two reasons

Reason #1. I’ve been living the dream in Hawaii. Yes, you’re probably all sick of hearing about how beautiful and wonderful it is here, but well… I’m sorry, the truth hurts. I love the weather and the laidback pace of life and the postcard-worthy backdrop of mountains and sea. I love that I now have a list of friends I can call when I want to work/watch YouTube videos in a coffee shop or see the latest chick flick or declare “Margarita Wednesday” a legitimate staple of each week. I love that I’ve already had three fabulous visitors this summer, with many more to come in the next few months. I’m happy here, and now that Brian is home from deployment, life isn’t too shabby. There is still so much to see and explore, and it’s exciting to know we won’t have to move again for at least another year.

Reason #2. This summer has been a series of events I like to call “Teach Gill to be more Zen and less attached to material possessions.” In the course of a few months, I lost three cameras (including my beloved old Canon DSLR) and an iPod in an auto theft and my MacBook hard drive in a devastating computer crash. I lost a lot of photos and music, shed a few tears and wallowed in self-pity a bit, but I’m trying to bounce back and move on. The silver lining is that our renters’ insurance covered the cost of my stolen camera equipment, so I was able to buy a newer, more awesome camera (RIP, 10-D). I’m hoping it’ll motivate me to document more of our life here.

I may be missing a few snapshots from the last few months, but that doesn’t make those months any less fabulous. Here’s to happy times and fresh starts…


The YouthNoise ladies have a work retreat… and snorkel the heck out of Hanauma Bay


Kathleen and I have eight years of pictures of us making these faces

Tracey and her friend Molly

Tracey takes her BFF Molly out for a beer

Kenny Rogers!

OMG, Kenny Rogers goes to Creekside!


Chafee homecoming! Flowers for everyone


We get to celebrate Nicole’s birthday and the fact that we’re all on the same coast


Bad Lisa, no licking

Just dance it out

We show that “Real World: D.C.” crew how it’s done

The happy couple

Beautiful wedding, beautiful couple

Oh wow

But not as beautiful as this couple

Keepin' it classy

Brian and I bust a move at the first wedding we’ve been to besides our own

The after-party

The after-party rages on in the hotel lobby

Margarita Wednesday

Margarita Wednesday on the beach

Wine party

Tiff and Zac’s wine tasting party o’ fun (not to brag, but our wine may have won the grand prize)

Diamond Head

It’s hot as hell on the way up Diamond Head, but the view is worth it


1 Kathleen { 10.06.09 at 12:13 pm }

I think you’ve spent your time wisely! These photos are fantastic! What made me laugh right from the start was the opener… “It’s been awhile since I’ve made time to blog, which I blame on two reasons:” and then there’s a picture of you and me. Heheh!

I swear I am sending you all those lost photos. I’m a bit behind myself, but I promise you shall receive. One day, we should gather all those pictures of you and me and do a transformation video. From 18-80, the faces of Gill and Kathleen. I’m entertained already.

And, yeah, Kenny Rogers and Emily just made my day.

2 Gillian { 10.06.09 at 1:17 pm }

Hahaha, you know those two reasons are nothing but trouble! We create havoc wherever we go, and I love it. Thanks for the photos in advance, love! I can’t wait until you come back in a few months and Brian can share in the fun (he’s still pretty jealous he missed you).